Thursday, May 7, 2009

homework helper Homework Help For Parents

Homework - Help For Parents
By Dr. Linda Silbert

Homework has become one of the biggest issues for parents and kids. It brings with it anger, frustration, tears, fears and family disharmony. And it affects the success your child has in school.

Jack, a nine year old, often spends all afternoon and evening doing homework, sometimes until eleven at night. In addition, he always needs help with it, so his mom and dad got him a homework helper from a tutoring service.

Jack's Dad: "When I was in fourth grade I came home from school and played ball with the kids on the block. Then I ate dinner with my family, did my homework and went to sleep. I have two masters degrees; I did fine. The only thing Jack has time for is homework and dinner. My mother was a teacher, and she said Jack has more homework in one night than she used to give in one week."

Homework usually didn't begin until seventh grade. But, even then most kids didn't need to carry home all their books home from school. They didn't need a homework helper because they got their homework done at school during study hall.

Even high school kids could usually get their homework done and still watch "Dick Clark's American Bandstand" on TV They also had enough time to be in the school show, or in the marching band, or on a sports team without having a complete meltdown. Rarely did parents have to help them.

Maybe it wasn't enough for today but it certainly wasn't too much. How much homework should my child have?

The optimum amount of homework for average children depends on their grade in school. But too little and they don't have a chance to practice what they learn in school; too much and they click-off their brains and simply push pencils around to get it done. And it shouldn't be so difficult that parents have to help every night.

You can use this guide to judge whether or not your child has too much or too little homework. grades K-2, 10-20 minutes; grades 3-6, 30-60 minutes; grades 7-12 will vary considerably, depending on subjects, projects due, tests, and so on, but a reasonable average is about two hours, with more on weekends, as needed, for major projects and exams.

What can I do if I don't agree with the amount of homework assigned?

Children need homework to succeed in school. If you don't agree with the amount of homework or are concerned that it's too difficult, talk to your child's teacher. If your child's teacher isn't responsive, talk to the school principal. Assertive parenting on your part helps.

Your child's success in school depends not only on what he does in school but how well he's doing with homework.

Children who have difficulty with homework often struggle in other areas of school. You'll find help with Dr. Linda's free School Success Tips. Subscribe today at

With your subscription, you'll get "Top 25 Homework Tips" and the first chapter of "Why Bad Grades Happen to Good Kids," written by Dr. Linda Silbert and her husband, Alvin.

Dr. Linda Silbert

P.O. Box 68 Mahopac, NY 10541


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homework helper Create a Great Homework Space

Homework Help - Create a Great Homework Space
By Caren Bugay

At our house, the kitchen table doubles as homework central. Whether your child completes his homework in a common area or secluded in his bedroom, it is vital that you create a special space for this important activity.

What makes a great homework space?

Adequate space - Textbooks, notebooks and supplies take up a lot of room. Make sure each child has enough space to comfortably complete their activities. Kitchen tables are great study areas for this reason. Smaller bedroom desks may not provide enough space for all the necessary materials.

Quiet – This is just so important. I used to attempt to watch the evening news (on a small kitchen TV) while I made dinner and my children competed their homework. I was always amazed when they had questions regarding the news stories that I was barely listening too. It really was a distraction for them. Homework time is much more effective now that it’s quiet.

Supplies – Each of my children has a “homework box”, one of those plastic pencil boxes you probably purchased for back-to-school. They each have their own supply of pens, pencils, colored pencils and white-out which is kept in their room and brought to the kitchen table at homework time. Extra paper, rulers, a stapler and pencil sharpener are stored in an armoire near the kitchen table. No more searching for supplies!

Lighting – Inadequate lighting at your child’s study area can make homework more difficult than it needs to be. The chandelier over the kitchen table may not provide enough light for reading and writing (mine certainly doesn’t). Usually task lighting is necessary when performing tasks requiring visual concentration. Task lighting provides focused light in addition to the ambient lighting provided by an overhead chandelier. At our house, a desk lamp on the kitchen table reduces eye strain.

Let the Children Choose – Allow your kids to choose special pencils, storage boxes or folders for homework time. We have special Star Wars pencils just for homework time. These little things make a big difference to children.

There’s just no substitute for parental involvement in children’s homework activities. If parents treat homework as an important daily activity, the children will treat it as such.

What are your favorite homework time tips? I’d love to hear from you!

Caren Bugay has lots of tips and resources to enhance your child's education. Find more great ideas at

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